Sunshine & Self-Care: Top Health Hacks for Summer Fun

Summer is basically so you know what that means. The best version of ourselves is about to burst through the door; our summer body is back on track and we are much happier. The sun is one of the biggest motivators when it comes to adopting healthier and happier habits. There is now no excuse not to drop the bad and pick up some great habits in the hope they will follow through into the winter months.

So when I talk about health hacks to adopt in the summer, I mean that this is the perfect time to get rid of the bad and adopt only the good but why exactly is this the case? We are going to find out today some of the best habits to drop and adopt this summer.

Why Summer Is The Best For New Healthy Habits

Renewed Promises

We all know that when the new year commences, you promise you are going to the gym every day, cutting out carbs, and quitting smoking. It’s the beginning of the brand new you, but the reality is that all these new promises get dropped after a couple of weeks at best and do you know why? It’s still cold, dark and miserable, so you cannot help but want to stay curled up inside and do absolutely nothing.

The sun is essentially our energy point; it charges us up so we can go out and do our best. While that is a huge lack for a lot of people around, it explains why winter, especially January, is possibly the worst point to start this.

Heading towards summer gives us the opportunity and energy to renew these promises. The sun is shining and the days are longer so we have not only that motivation but also the energy to soar through and build these habits as new, lasting ones.


Summer teaches us patience, according to those who are into spirituality. Summer teaches us to wait till the time is right, like how you would wait for a fruit to ripen; it’s at its peak taste at this point. So essentially, you aren’t rushing this habit to stick in the summer and you are taking it with your stride, which is a core step in being the best version of yourself.

No More Limits

With the summer, you have fewer limits put on you. As mentioned earlier the days are getting longer, but the weather also provides you with a huge amount of other resources, such as a change of scenery to work in, encouraged social gatherings, safer hiking routes and just enough overall time in the day to fit it all in.

What Habits To Take Up In Summer

Meditation & Deep Breathing

So while this might not be something for everyone, it’s definitely something to consider. There is a huge amount of research into what meditation does for the body and soul. It’s a great way to reconnect with your mind and make things seem calm.

I know this might not be a solution for those who have ADHD but there are also deep breathing and other breathing techniques that could be a better solution. I recently heard that we as humans have all forgotten how to breathe and that stuck with me. For example, we are supposed to breathe in through our nose and out through our mouth, and humans might just do one or the other, which is crazy to know.

Learning meditation and/or breathing techniques is a minimally invasive health skill you have to learn this summer and can only do good things for your mind, body and soul.

Read: 4 Tips For Keeping Your Smile Happy and Healthy


There are many forms of exercise that you can consider adding to your routine, such as LISS, hot yoga, swimming or taking up dancing of some sort. There is no right or wrong way to add some healthy movements to your day-to-day.

If nerves are getting in the way, it’s important to remember that everyone has to start somewhere, so you shouldn’t care what others think and put yourself first. Loving yourself and taking care of your body should be your mindset and priority number one.

Healthy Eating

Eating well is essential and as the summer months give you more energy, it’s the perfect energy boost you need to cook for yourself and other loved ones. Not to mention that all the fruit and vegetables taste so much better.


Loving yourself is going to be a huge motivation alongside the sun to set you on your way with building these new healthy habits and what I mean by that is that if you don’t love yourself, the likelihood is that you are going to treat yourself with the same kindness and love as you would with someone else, and then you will in turn punish yourself, whether it’s excessive smoking or eating huge amounts of food.

Final Thoughts

While summer is just around the corner, it’s about time to drop all the bad, love yourself and adopt all of the good stuff. Even if it takes leaving smoking and opting for a small change, such as Velo pouches, the little changes are what count, so just go for it and make the most of summer.

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